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My friends


This page is dedicated to those passengers who shared some days with me and for no reason at all became more than just passengers

You don't find your picture here? 

Claim you right sending me pictures of you journey in Portugal 


Aqui encontrarão aqueles passageiros que tendo partilhado alguns dias comigo, se converteram em mais do que somente passageiros

Não encontra a sua foto aqui? 

Exija já o seu direito enviando uma foto de sua estadia em Portugal 

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 2015 - 2022 ® the lisbon driver     +351 93 840 96 91

All pictures are property of their owners. If you find any issue please Click Here. Besides pictures, all information contained in this site is public domain, you can use it with no restrictions

® the lisbon driver is a trade mark of Sousa Coutinho e Santos, Lda

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